Graduation Exam / 24+ Credit Students

Was your high school graduation halted due to a graduation exam?
Are you a course away from getting your diploma?
Secure your future with a diploma today.

Unlock your potential.

Was your high school graduation halted due to a graduation exam? Would you like to graduate high school and obtain your diploma? Don't let fear, embarrassment,or doubt hold you back. Step forward into a new day and embrace your future.

No matter your age, your station in life, if you work, have kids, or just don't think you have the time to pursue a diploma, there is a path for you. We at Canterbury Technical Academy are devoted to helping others pursue their dreams.

Former United States Secretary of State, and four star General Colin Powell is quoted as saying, "A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work."

The first step in making your dreams come true is making the decision to pursue your dream. Has the idea of getting your diploma been with you for awhile now? Do you have questions on how or if it might be obtainable for you? Or do you just want answers?

Graduating from high school and being able to actually hold your diploma in your hand is a moment you will never forget. It is the evidence of your ambitions, your determination, your hard work, and your success. It is validation that you can overcome the obstacles that have lined your path, and how much you have grown as an individual.

Student Success is Our Mission

The options available to you at Canterbury Technical Academy open up the doors for you to challenge yourself and to obtain your diploma at your own pace. No longer are you forced to conform to strict educational guidelines that don't allow you the freedom to live your life and pursue your dreams. Now, you make the choices. You decide how much time you have to commit to your education. You decide on the priorities in our life. With a customized study plan, you tell us what you would like to accomplish, and when you want to complete your diploma. It is your choice.

Our high school diploma programs are affordable, flexible, and supportive to all types of students. Take a step forward, make the right choice for you,and begin the goal of obtaining your diploma today.

How to Apply

To enroll in our program, give us a call at (334) 834-2273 to schedule an enrollment consultation, or visit us during normal office hours. Visit the Registration Page, for more information on the enrollment process.

For Financial Assistance, Click Here to complete the Canterbury Academy Multiple Scholarship Application.